
Top Google Searches and Twitter Trends for 2010

If you're interested in what the world was searching for and talking about in 2010, Google and Twitter recently published their year in reviews. Google Search, which I consider an information pull, and Twitter, which I usually call a push, have different top topics, but there are a few similarities between the two, including the one and only Justin Bieber.

In terms of other Google news searches, Haiti proved the most popular, followed by Turkish sports club Besiktas, Chile, “earthquake,” Lady Gaga and the iPhone 4. The Gulf of Mexico oil spill ranked 10th. Take a few minutes and click here to check out the Google site and the cool gadget they put together to track what was searched throughout the world in 2010. 

The top 10 Twitter trends for 2010 round out with these:

1. Gulf Oil Spill
2. FIFA World Cup
3. Inception
4. Haiti Earthquake
5. Vuvuzela
6. Apple iPad
7. Google Android
8. Justin Bieber
9. Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows
10. Pulpo Paul

For a complete list and a nicely designed chart, visit Twitter's report here
Now onto 2011. What can we expect over the next 12 months? ~ p

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