
Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare...Poig?

First, there was 'What are you doing?', then came, 'What's happening?', 'What's on your mind?', and finally, 'Check-in'. Now, there's a new kid in town. And what they want to know is...'What do you want to do?'. Well, that's a good question, new kid. But first, let me find out a bit more about you. 

The 'new kid' is a site call Poig. In their words, 'Poig is a new way to create spontaneous get-togethers. Add some friends and watch the magic happen.' 

I signed up and realized that the 'adding of friends' part was critical to the 'making of the magic'. I had no friends using the site, and with a closer look, no one in my city, so my experience fell a bit flat. But Poig is smart enough to leverage Facebook Connect as a log-in option, which also prompts you to invite your FB-friends to join, so that problem should quickly resolve itself. 

Beside the minor ramp-up time, and the linguistical brain-bender, Poig looks really cool. Like, the next big thing kind of cool. It gives you categories to choose from: Food, Drinks, Coffee, Meet-up, Shopping, and Custom. By looking at the 'feeds' page, it seems like you can join in on an event with friends or other random people in your city, or pick a category and start your own. 

I gotta say, I love this idea. It's the best execution of the Mass Mingling trend that I've come across. Check it out. ~ p  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the fantastic write-up on Poig! You nailed our vision for the service and highlighted what we believe will be the next big opportunity in the social location space. The concept behind Poig came out of our own frustrations with what it takes to turn an idea into a get-together.

We're working hard to build a compelling service that is someday worthy of being mentioned amongst the likes of Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare.

Stay tuned as we roll out the next version of Poig.