
Will Google Drive Your Car?

At the TechCrunch Disrupt conference yesterday, Google CEO Eric Schmidt said that this was 'the golden era of breakthroughs'. True. He also said that 'smart phones were the icon device of our time'. True. Also, that in the near future, 'if you are awake, you are probably online'. Umm...true? And that 'humans shouldn't drive cars, computers should'. Watch your mouth. 

This is when I realized that when your bank account has more zeros than a googolplex, you can theorize about, well, everything. And when you mix that wealth with above average intelligence, you can quickly turn a theory into an idea, and then you can take that idea and...Google it.

You see, I have a theory of my own. When the rest of the world says, 'Google it', we are talking about typing something into Google Search to find out more about it. But when Eric Schmidt says, 'Google it', he is going to turn a fart-in-the-wind theory, put it into his Google Lab, and pepper it all over the Internet. As we've seen with many, many Google Lab products, it doesn't always work. But when it does...bam! The Internet shakes. 

So, when Eric suggests putting me in a beautiful sports car, on a sunny day, down a perfectly paved road, and then tying my hands together...maybe I should just take up knitting, and enjoy the ride. ~ p 

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