
P Diddy is Forrest Gump

I follow Diddy on Twitter. If you don’t, I suggest you do @iamdiddy. He’s motivating, smart, funny, and he’s wired for sound. Last week, he tweeted while running on the treadmill about tweeting while running on the treadmill (yes, you read that right). He ended the tweet, as he does many, with a ‘Let’s GOOOO!!!!!!!!!’. Hilarious? Yes. Crazy? Like a fox. At that moment, it hit me: P Diddy is like a real life Forrest Gump. Sure, take away the learning disability and general awkwardness; keep all the energy, passion, luck, success, and talent; then add in some GQ-ness, and…Bam! You’ve got P Gumpy. Here’s your homework: 1) Follow @iamdiddy on Twitter. 2) Watch the scene in Forrest Gump when Forrest runs right through a high school football game so fast that he passes every player on the field. 3) Now picture P Gumpy going on his morning run, motoring across three states, still going strong, charging right through a Boise State game, cell phone in one hand, movie script in the other, three assistants on super-charged Segways trying to keep up, as he kicks the game-winning field goal without breaking stride and simultaneously ties his shoe. It could happen. ~ p  

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