
Office for Mac '11 Overhaul Kills Entourage

It was announced today that Microsoft is launching the Office for Mac 2011 next month on October 26th. The standout line for me in the launch video can be paraphrased as 'Office is something that people feel like they need. We hope this version is something they'll want, too.' After watching the video, I gotta say, it worked. I want it.
This overhaul version promises to be a lot faster, and includes cool new aesthetic features, including a new full screen option for Word. It has also dropped the often-frustrating Entourage and opted to include Outlook. For the reasonable price ($120 for a single install and $150 for 3-install Family Pack) it'll get some immediate attention...including from me. ~ p

(Source: Mashable, The Office for Mac Blog)

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