
Lose Your Wallet. Keep Your Cool.

Jeans got tighter. Cell phones got bigger and smarter. Credit cards, gym cards, video cards, and loyalty cards multiplied like gremlins jumping into a swimming pool. And, with that, the George Costanza wallet no longer fit into our world…or our pants.

It’s sad, but I’ll admit that I’ve lied awake at night ideating ways to stop the ‘let’s give consumers a card for everything’ madness, an alternative that would be safe, practical, and run through my mobile device. Well, apparently a guy named Randy Smith from Aliso Viejo, California couldn’t sleep either, and has been dreaming about a solution since 1996. It took a while, but by George, I think he’s got it.

The company called is MobilePayUSA. In their words, it makes ‘paying for purchases with your mobile phone in the REAL-WORLD…a reality’ (more in the video below). This is awesome news for everyone with a wallet. Bad news for the guy who invented the Visa payment chip. If you're a honcho at a retail or loyalty company, you need to jump on this idea. ~ p 

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