
Tryvertising: 3 Best Ideas (so far) of 2010

Tryvertising is starting to pop up in cool new ways all the time. Thanks to new apps and technology, what started as a privilege for the elite (as seen with expensive, premium cars given out to ‘special’ guests at high-class hotels), and big brands like Starbucks (with their highly successful ‘Try & Buy’ in-store promotions) is now open to the little guy, too. Entrepreneurs have been jumping on the tryvertising bandwagon with innovative new ways to get their products into the hands of customers. Here are the three best that I’ve seen this year:

Nuevo Watches. This Montreal-based company has launched an iPhone app that lets you ‘try on’ their selection of watches without actually touching them. (If only Rolex could make an app that made it look like I was wearing one of their watches.)

Tatmash. This site lets you see what a real tattoo would look like on you before you get it done. (This should be made a requirement for every bachelor party going to Vegas.)

Shiseido Digital Mirror. This company from Japan has found a way to use Augmented Reality to show you what different types of their make-up would look like on you. (I can’t personally associate with this, but it sounds pretty cool.) 


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