
My Review for 'The Social Network'

I finally watched The Social Network last night. I meant to catch it on the big screen, but for three reasons I didn't. 1) I was very busy during the time it was out, 2) I have a tough time going to see any movie now that is not in 3D - I feel like it is not worth the money, 3) I have a big screen, Blu-Ray and Bose surround sound at home.

My rating for the movie is 7.5 out of 10. Considering my loyalty rating for Facebook is about 8 out of 10, it didn't disappoint. It also didn't blow me away. This might be due to the fact that it just won the Golden Globe for Best Picture, Best Screenplay, Best Director and Soundtrack, so my expectations were higher than they would've been had I watched at the box office. It also might be because I feel like they left out some key facts and interesting moments, including: 1) When Facebook surpassed MySpace in terms of members. 2) When Microsoft tried to buy it with continual refusals by Zuckerberg that only made them want it more - eventually ending in a $15 billion bid and evaluation. 3) When Facebook was considered an enemy of the State and the World through their aggressive prospective on our information and privacy laws (this is still happening). 4) Live streaming of the Obama Inauguration. 5) When Facebook DID eventual display ads to make money, and discovered that their power of data is their true asset. 6) When Facebook introduced and popularized virtual gifts and social gaming, and then turned gaming into revenue stream as big as their ad revenue. 7) The entire idea of a 'status update'. 8) Poking.

These are just a few off the top of my head. Maybe people don't care about that stuff. But I feel like it would've added more texture to the story, granted as well as about 10-15 minutes of film.

This reminds me of the movie Ali starring Will Smith. At the end I wanted more, not because it was the best movie I had even seen, but because I knew there was more to tell. I felt the same at the end of this movie. In this case, however, I realize that perhaps the biggest part of the story has yet to be written. The Social Network 2, anyone? I'll be ready for it in 2020.

All this being said, I think the acting and the screenplay were both great. JT has proven himself to carry a supporting role in a big movie. I can see his next step to be carrying a leading role in a sub-par movie. The story also carried itself along nicely and paced very well. I might've never felt blown away, but I wasn't bored either. ~ p

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