
Phoenix Jones is a Real-Life Superhero...Minus the Super and the Hero.

Spiderman. Batman. Superman. Phoenix Jones. Yeah, for real. There is a guy, and from the reports I've heard, potentially a group of guys, fighting crime on the streets of Seattle. And, needless to say, it isn't going very well. Phoenix Jones recently had his nose busted after trying to break up a fight between two dudes. He also had a gun held to his head and was taunted by some hoodlums. Oddly enough, I can associate with the gun-to-the-head thing from when I was 'jumped' (as we used to call it) by a small town gang when I was about 15. I don't have to tell you that it's not a fun thing to experience.

Regardless, I have mixed emotions about Phoenix Jones. I was a comic book kid, and I still love that stuff now in my 30s, especially the Hollywood adaptations, so on one hand, I love this guy. As Seinfeld said, 'Every man thinks of himself as a low-level superhero'. Damn straight, Jerry. My fiancé just bought me Superman boxer-briefs, and my response was 'I'm going to need another 12 pairs of these.' I'm also frankly shocked that it took this long for someone to try and pull this off. On the other hand, this guy obviously took watching Kick-Ass way too seriously

Lastly, this guy is an idiot...but I think most every man will secretly respect him and, perhaps, even be jealous of his courage, even if it is bordering on psychotic. Phoenix Jones, you may not be a Hero or very Super, but you can take a bullet for me any day. ~ p

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