
Facebook Email Will be More Than Email

I guessed this one right. Kind of. After I said, and many echoed, that Facebook was going to launch a Gmail killer, Facebook insists that was not their plan. But if that happens as a result of their re-invented message system, then I guess Facebook will have successfully changed email and messaging as we know it.

The system overhaul is still a bit of a secret. Facebook is currently rolling it out with an invite-only strategy right now, and will open it up for all to use slowly over the next few months. We're told that the revised system will better facilitate users needs and the 4 billion messages that are sent daily on Facebook by over 350 million people. Yeah, those numbers are crazy. It might be a while before you can test this system out for yourself, but in the meantime, check out this video to further peak your interest and hopefully answer some of your questions. ~ p

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