
In Your Face™

The big news on the wire today is that Facebook has been given approval to trademark the word 'Face'. 
While this makes is also kinda ridiculous. Unlike the greedy genius of people like Gene Simmons, who trademarked the Money Bag icon, this is a move to protect an already powerful brand. To me, I think it's overkill. If you've established your brand as a household name within a product category or across many, and someone tries to spring board their success by infringement on your name, it's a non-issue. You win.

Regardless, Facebook is just a payment away from trademarking the word “Face.” As of today the U.S. Patent And Trademark Office has sent the social networking site a Notice of Allowance, which means they have agreed to grant the “Face” trademark to Facebook.

All Facebook needs to do is pay the issue fee within three months of today and the “Face” trademark will be issued and be published in the official USPTO gazette and everything.

I wonder what will be next? Will Twitter trademark Twit? Foursquare trademark Four? Maybe I'll trademark Porter and make my fiancée sign her soon-to-be new last name with a TM above it. I think I'm onto something... ~ p

(Source: Techcrunch)

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