
Apple Announcement will Change How You Listen to Music

Apple has an announcement coming tomorrow. Any guesses? Word on the street is that they are 'killing the MP3' file format by introducing a live streaming function. From the sounds of it, this would be cool and make a lot of sense. Basically, you and everyone else would access your music through a 'cloud' storage service, instantly streaming and playing music on your iTunes enabled device. This is a logic step moving forward. Why would we keep a catalogue of music, eating away our personal storage space, when we could simply access it in the same way from Apple's cloud? It would be even cooler if we could simply type in our user name and password and access our music from any iTunes-enabled device, mobile or not. 

The only hurdle I currently see is people, including me, who do not have an iTouch, iPad, or iPhone and, therefore, do not have Internet or cloud capabilities on our iPods. I'm sure Steve Jobs simply sees that as an opportunity for me to upgrade my device and give him some more money. I can't blame him. I would buy a new device for this service. But first, let's see if tomorrow is indeed a day not worth forgetting. ~ p

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