
Protect Yourself from Drunken Social Media and Emailing. You Know Who You Are...

Back in the day, it was called 'drunk dialing'. Then it evolved into 'drunk texting'. Now it's 'drunken social media'. We've all been there. Had too much before or after the bar and sent an FB message to a co-worker, an ex, some random chick you saw tagged in a photo on your buddy's wall...umm...anyway...moving on. You wake up the next morning feeling kinda stupid. Well now you can protect your sober self from your drunken self.

This week, web security company Webroot released a new browser plugin called “The Social Media Sobriety Test” with the tagline, “Nothing good happens online after 1 a.m.”

I know. Where was this plugin last Saturday night? Now you can at least prepare for next weekend.

After you download, it'll ask you to set your hours of intoxication, and if you try to sign into Facebook, MySpace, or even Gmail or Hotmail during that time, you’ll be asked to pass a test. Be cautious that you don't get caught at an afternoon 'client lunch' and you play outside your set hours.

It also currently doesn't work on a mobile device, so your iPhone, Blackberry or Android could still be your enemy when you're out on the town.

Regardless, this is cool. I will definitely try it with my buddies the next time they're over. ~ p

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