
FBG takes on BBM...OMG.

Want to share something on Facebook, but you can't because your boss or your girlfriend's mother somehow became your friend along the way? Yeah, I think we've all been there. This has no doubt slowed down the amount of social sharing that could be taking place. Even though, social sharing is still on the rise, and social creation has plateaued, there be could more freedom to do both if you could filter the people you're sharing with. Zuck called this, 'The greatest social networking problem'. That's why he has introduced: New Groups for Facebook. 

I've seen something like this before. Oh yeah. On Blackberry Messenger. I can chat, post pics, comment on them within a pre-determined 'group' of people. It's cool and, in fact, BBM is why I'm still a Blackberry Loyalist. Actually, it's why a lot of Blackberry users haven't converted to the iPhone or other devices. If Facebook can create a similar and possibly better experience for me on a Mobile App, I might have to reconsider my options. In solving the greatest social networking problem...Facebook might have just created a huge problem for RIM's Blackberry. 

One thing that BBM has on their side, which will be hard to beat, is their 'push' functionality. Meaning, you don't need to click 'refresh' to pull emails, texts, or chat messages to your phone. They just appear. For Facebook, iPhone, or anyone else, to really compete with this requires an investment in infrastructure, not just an cool app feature. ~ p

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