
Funny Friday: Best/Worst Wedding Video Ever

I am getting married next year. We are currently in the 'planning' stage of the wedding...which I'm not sure ends until after you say 'I do'. Anyway, through the process, I've been involved, but in no way have I been in charge. This has been intentional, following the advice of many married men that have come before me. 

Then I watched this video earlier in the week. And now I think that I'm going to take over the entire show. I mean, I'm going to pick the flowers (I only know of two types - easy), write the invitations (I would create a stamp that told people where to be and when, put it on old newspaper, and mail - genius), pick the music (I know a guy), and select the food (burritos go great with beer). I say this because no one, and I mean no one, can screw something up as much as these two did with their wedding video. The only thing they could've have done to make this more ridiculous is jump into matching Pocahontas outfits and danced with a squirrel. I do need to point out that this is the second terrible thing I've seen come out of Russia this week. I wrote earlier about the
Twitter Booth...and I think this tops it.

Aside, this is the first Funny Friday that hasn't featured a very talented or overweight animal. But I still have a few more up my sleeve. ~ p

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