
I Like it in My Fiance's Hand

You might've seen a few odd Facebook statuses yesterday and today. 'I like it on the couch'...'I like it on the back of a chair'...but what is 'it' and what does it mean?

'It' is for 'purse' or 'my purse' (or, in my case, 'my fiance's purse'). October is breast cancer awareness month and this viral status trend is aimed to bring women together around the world for the cause. This isn't the first time we've seen this tactic. Last year, the bra color Facebook status went viral, also in support of raising breast cancer awareness. 

My mom had breast cancer, so I am in full support of anything to bring attention to the cause. Putting aside my personal association with the disease, and not being a woman, I can still honestly say this is a great use of social media, and looks good on all women who join together for a common cause. ~ p

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