
It Takes a Twit to Invent a Twitter Booth

This is so hilarious, I barely know where to go with it. Oh wait. I got it.

So, in Russia, there was this guy who was way ahead of his time. He envisioned a world where people would tell other people what they were doing all across the land. And this magnificent invention would come to life through a 'Sharing Booth'. Unfortunately, his angel investor died, he went insane, and has been locked away for 20 years. But know he's back, and with the help of some Corporate funding, his vision has been realized. I bring you...The Twitter Booth!

That story was, of course, a lie. But seriously, what the hell is going on over there in Russia? How did people, and presumably some form of Government official, think this was a good idea? If someone in Russia is being chased, are they going to stop and Tweet '#911 I'm screwed' on this thing? Is this an issue over there? Or is there that much of an interest in Social Media in Russia with limited access to computers or cell phones? If that's the case, buy some old school computers and put them in the Library. Not only that, but look closely at the screen - can you even see a profile on there? I don't think so. Is this inventor the town hero, or the town joker? Really, I have too many questions, and not many answers. At least I know if I ever get stuck in Russia without a phone or communication to the outside world...I can let my followers know. I have followers in Russia. Maybe one of them will eventually send help. ~ p

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