
Spooky Time-Traveling Cell Phone User...Real or Fake?

I don't get scared. I'm not bragging, I just literally don't get creeped out by Halloween movies or gory costumes or, well, anything. Heights can sometimes freak me out. And I'll sometimes 'jump' if you can startle me. But that's about it. Knowing this, to get my adrenaline going, I like unusual, interesting stuff that makes me ask questions, like magic tricks. This video falls into that category.

Irish filmmaker George Clarke created a YouTube video that has gone viral this week. It shows a cellphone-using “time traveler” attending the 1928 premiere of Charlie Chaplin’s The Circus.

I watched it, and it's very convincing. Who knows? It could even be 'real'. But, with that time traveler theory, as I often do, I started to ask questions, like 'Who is on the other end of the phone?', 'How does a cell phone work when cell phone towers haven't been invented yet?', and 'Does her cell phone company charge her for long distance minutes?'

Also interesting is the profession of the guy who 'found' this gem. He's a filmmaker. Is it possible this has been fixed? Likely.

Or maybe, in the words of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 'When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.'

Take a look and judge for yourself. ~ p

1 comment:

Blair Gordon Main said...

That is some weird footage. If I knew more about the technology of that era, I'm sure that it is just some random device, maybe a voice recorder (although I think they came out in the 50s or something).

It is entirely possible that she/he is a crazy person and just talking to her/his shoe or something.

But I'd like to believe its evidence of time travel, especially since the phone looks pretty big and 90s esque.