
Lebronathon: Epic New Nike Ad for Opening Night

It's time. Opening night in the NBA. I've waited like a kid who, for the first time, fully understands what it means to wake up on Christmas morning.


It's been a rough off-season for Lebron fans, as some say. But I think this has been the best off-season since Grant Hill, Tim Duncan and Tracy McGrady flirted with teaming up in Orlando. But, instead, it actually happened.

Lebron's Decision, and I feel like I might get stoned for saying this, was the most exciting moment in sports, outside an actually sporting event, that I've ever seen. Everyone I knew was on the edge of their seats watching him talk about who knows what with Jim Gray. No one knew with absolutely certainty what was going to happen. Sure, sucks to be a Cleveland fan, but how is it really different than when other free agents flee? Chris Bosh told Raptors fans over a streaming internet feed on ESPN with Wade at his side. It wasn't a one-hour special, but frankly, at least that was interesting.

Just by the numbers, most notably ESPN's Player Efficiency Rating, Lebron has been the most dynamic and talented player to ever put on a pair of shorts since Jordan. But when people say that he will be or not be the next Jordan...they're missing the point. He will not be. And that will truly define his greatness. Jordan wasn't the next Magic or Bird. He was the one and only Jordan. Every great person defines himself against no one but himself.

Okay, rant over. To cement the awesomeness I was talking about earlier, Nike has launched a new commercial that is an instant epic classic. Enjoy. ~ p

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