
Google vs My Cable Company

I have my beef with Google. They are arrogant, too powerful, and have seemingly ranked customer support as a zero on their importance scale. But here's the thing: My beef with my Cable Company is bigger. Like, feed-a-whole-town-and-an-animal-safari bigger. If Google can give me a way to screw my Cable Company without screwing up my TV watching, sign me up. Well, yesterday, Google gave me hope with the launch of their Google TV mini-site. Here is a video to give you a sense of what to expect with Google TV.

Beside screwing with my Cable Company, there are a lot of things cool about this. Google TV will follow the same format as the Android. Meaning, everyone and their brother can write for it through an open software platform. This will lead to cool apps being developed, like one that will turn your TV into a video phone using devices like Logitech’s Google TV box, the Revue. Other cool features that I can see are:

  • Apps for Pandora, Chrome, Twitter, Amazon, Android Gallery
  • Major TV networks such as HBO, TNT, TBS, CNN will have a video portal. 
  • Fling, play audio or video on your phone on Google TV “with the press of the button.”
  • Picture-in-Picture TV watching and web surfing. 
  • DVR for video podcasts, and YouTube videos (hopefully TV shows, too)
All I need to see is a Google TV app that will let me watch live sporting events and the deal is done. ~ p 

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